LASIK surgery can seem daunting. The idea of having a laser near your eye may sound scary, but the surgery itself is quick and painless. Because of the use of lasers, the surgery is highly accurate and safe. However, in preparing to undergo LASIK, it’s important to keep a few things in mind to help the procedure go as smoothly as possible.

Stop Wearing Contacts
You may think that when the surgery is done, you won’t have to worry about contacts again— but you will probably be asked to stop wearing them two to four weeks before surgery. Rigid contact lenses can change the shape of the cornea, which will interfere with your surgeon’s ability to shape your eye to your prescription. Soft contact lenses can have a similar effect, albeit less severe. For rigid contacts, you should stop wearing them three to four weeks before surgery. For soft contacts, you only need to stop wearing them two weeks before surgery. For specific instructions catered to what kinds of contacts you wear, ask your doctor.
Make Sure Your Face is Clear of Makeup
The night before your surgery, make sure your face is completely free of any kind of makeup, lotion, perfume, or cologne. It is especially important to clear any kind of mascara and eye make up. If you have any residual debris from eye makeup in or around the eye, you can use artificial tears to clear everything out. On the day of the surgery, do not apply any kind of makeup, lotion, perfume of cologne.
Arrange Transportation
After your surgery, your sight will be improved, but you still may not be cleared to drive right away. You don’t want to be stuck at the doctor’s without a way to get home, so be sure to make plans with someone to drive you to and from surgery.
Take Your Medications as Normal
Well before surgery, your doctor will likely ask what medications you take and tell you if there are any you shouldn’t take near your surgery date. Unless your doctor tells you that you shouldn’t, be sure to take all your medications as you normally would on the day of your surgery.
Ask Your Doctor Questions and Let Them Know How You’re Feeling
It’s perfectly normal to be nervous before any kind of surgery, and LASIK surgery is no different. Make sure that before you see your doctor for the surgery, you have a list of questions prepared. You may forget what you want to ask when you get to the surgery center, so it can be helpful to write these questions down. Also be sure to communicate with your doctor. It’s important for you to be as comfortable during surgery as possible. If you are feeling particularly nervous, tell your doctor, and they may be able to give you some medication to help you relax.
To learn more about LASIK and find out if it’s right for you, schedule a consultation with Carter Eye Center today!